Our Mission:

To reach the boating community for Christ, empower believers to grow deeper in their faith and equip them to live purpose-driven lives, and to reach the lost with the message of hope and salvation, both on the water and beyond.

Meet Our Crew

We are a on a mission to lead Boaters to LIFE with Jesus

The Crew


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Our Mission & Vision

Living Relationally
on the water

Loving our neighbors on the water by sharing our daily lives and building meaningful relationships.

Investing in Serving
the boating community

Serving the boating community in practical and tangible ways, being “salt and light” on the water.

Furthering Growth
discipling cruisers

Sharing the gospel with others, by using our shared passion for boats and the water as conversation openers.

Engaging the World
with every voyage

Inviting others to deepen their relationship with the Lord and to engage in a life on mission,

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Our Story

In May of 2020 on our 10 year anniversary trip, as we reflected on our last 10 years and pondered the next 10, the Lord began tugging on our hearts. Over the course of the next year the Lord began changing our focus! Throughout the process, He revealed things, lead us to release things, confirmed things, and answered prayers as we pressed into what He was calling us to. With each shift, as we walked in obedience, it got easier and easier to lean in deeper. Often we are faced with what seems to be a mountain we forget to allow God to be in control. He’s right there waiting, if we’d only give Him total control of the situation. So, February of 2021, we gave him that! As we surrendered, He spoke… He led us to sell everything and move into our 30 ft. travel trailer with our 3 girls. We are traveling the country as He leads; encouraging others in the faith and sharing the gospel with the lost.

Tim and Kim are avid boaters and enjoy sharing their love for the water with others. Tim has a lifetime of experience on the water and is an avid and knowledgeable mariner. He is a USCG licensed captain having operated a wide range of vessels such as towboats, fireboats, charter boats and more. He believes his time on the water has been preparing him for this season and is now using these experiences and skills to further the gospel by water. Kim, having marveled at the ocean from a young age, initially pursued a marine science degree. After committing her life to Christ in college, getting involved in the church, and serving with youth, God led her to switch her major to education. As a science teacher for over 12 years, she saw God’s hand in merging her love for marine science and her call to teach. Though a teacher by trade, Kim realizes it is a gift from God and desires to share all that she learns from the Lord with others to encourage them in their walk with Him. Their relationships with the Lord, their passion for boating, and their love for the water has given them a heart to serve people on the water and spread the good news of Jesus with the boating community.

They are eagerly waiting for a boat to be donated for their family that will enable them to fully step into the mission the Lord has called them to. In the meantime, they are plugging in where God has them, making connections in the maritime community, building relationships, and preparing to head out on the water.


Every year thousands of boats from all over the globe head across waters into the Caribbean and beyond. We have a heart for this community as it is a unique group of people. Some start their journey as retirees, excited to explore the islands in their later years. Others have begun as young sojourners pursuing an unconventional lifestyle of adventure and spontaneity. Several just want to live as vagabonds, detaching completely from societal norms. If unbelievers, this lifestyle limits their availability to hear the gospel. If believers, this lifestyle limits their ability to connect with a church body for continued spiritual growth and encouragement. Regardless of their pursuit or standing with Christ, we have learned that most desire community on the water and enjoy lending a helping hand to the precious island communities they visit. Our passion is to see boaters come to Christ and to live a LIFE of purpose, using their passions for the Kingdom.

Each arrow marks a vessel’s location on the water ~300,000 vessels tracked daily

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